Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Lama juga LR melakukan maintenance.

Scheduled Maintenance - August 20, 11:00am (UTC)

Liberty Reserve will be unavailable:
From August 20 until August 22,
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.

Maintenance update 
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this maintenance may have brought to you and would like to assure you that both issues are addressed in a timely manner and currently being worked on around the clock for the quickest and safest resolution. During this final stage of maintenance we are identifying erroneously blocked accounts and updating their statuses to "normal". This is a long and tedious process so your patience is appreciated. While we are doing everything possible to bring the system back faster, these processes make take an additional up to 2-4 days to complete.

Layanan Liberty Reserve sedang dalam proses pemeliharaan.
Silahkan mencoba dalam beberapa jam lagi.
Mohon maaf atas ketidak nyamanannya.

Sampai kapan ya??? Semoga cepat clearnya gan.

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